Catching up

It’s time to brush the dust off my keyboard and begin blogging once again. Truthfully, the dust hasn’t collected, as I’ve spent a great deal of time working on my book. But blogging and writing a book are two different animals. I have missed blogging and connecting with my readers. Last night I decided to take my mask off and begin anew today. And here I am. In ways, I feel as if no time has passed. Yet, many aspects of my life have changed.

Spring is present outside my window, leaving me reminiscent. I had big plans for the spring of 2020. I had hoped to release my first book. I actually printed my promotional material promising a book “coming this spring.” (Really happy I didn’t include a year.) I also had two lovely trips planned with friends, one to Hawaii and the other to Colorado.

One by one, all my plans went by the bye. No trip to Hawaii. No trip to Colorado. And no yogini book on the store shelves or Amazon marketplace. I managed to slip in a post or two throughout 2020, but it became increasingly difficult for me to blog. The world news went from bad to worse. Even though I write about emotional topics, I always try to leave my readers with a positive reason for having ventured with me in a post. It became tough to find much positive to write about. Like the airline instructions before takeoff, I needed to put my mask on first, figuratively speaking and literally.

I had to put my 18-year old Little Cat down right when Covid began. I likely waited too long as she was suffering. But that little gal ate like a horse every day, fighting to stick around. I let her make the call. When she no longer made her way to the food bowl, I didn’t hesitate. I sadly had to drop her off in the parking lot of the vet’s office. The world had turned upside down. Nothing felt familiar. No owners were allowed into the office with their pets. I quickly said my goodbyes to my sweet little companion. My only saving grace is that I trusted the vet completely. We had been in many times over the last few years as Little Cat declined. The vet was kind and gentle, and I knew my kitty would not suffer. Little Cat’s ashes now reside under the large Spanish Oak next to our driveway with her sister, Mattie. We planted daffodils around them and marked the spot with a river rock. Early this spring, the daffodils stood at attention, greeting us every morning, a reminder of all the joy those two cats brought our family over twenty years.

As spring moved toward summer, I decided to use my downtime wisely and get on with rewriting my manuscript, hoping for a spring 2021 release. We also decided to dedicate a great deal of time to our yard in the hopes of creating a sizeable sustainable garden. We built a deer fence around the perimeter of our backyard, and we are still in the process of creating vegetable beds. Rick retired in March, which leaves him much more time to spend in the garden. The project is about halfway complete as I write. We have beds of corn and beans, sunflowers and tomatoes, raspberries and watermelon, and pumpkins. Of course, I’ve managed to squeeze in hydrangeas and black-eyed Susans.

Mid-year we adopted two rescue kittens, Lil Bean and Big Sis. They were about 12 weeks old when we brought them home. On the first day they huddled together shaking in the corner of our washroom. It didn’t take long for them to begin exploring and making our home their new playground. Undoubtedly, they were the highlight of a challenging year. They are sweet as sugar, and they keep us laughing.

As 2021 unfolded, the big question became, to vaccinate or not? We definitely had some reservations, but in the end, we did get vaccinated. And just this week, we made plans for our first trip later this year, flying on a plane, no less. It’s time to make our way back to old friends we have dearly missed, the hugs and the laughter.

While life slowly normalizes, I send thanks toward the heavens for our continued good health and that of all those I love. And also, for the lessons this year brought me. At 65, you think maybe you’ve learned what you came for. Covid reminded me that no matter how long I reside on this planet, there will always be lessons for the taking. It is a wake-up call to enter my senior years with a thirst for learning more and appreciating all the gifts that surround me daily.

My takeaways from 2020…

Not that I ever did really take for granted my health or that of my loved ones, going forward, I will have a newfound appreciation for a healthy body.

Mother Nature is a true healer. As long as I could get outside during 2020, I managed to find healing and contentment.

Hugging my children or Rick close is the best medicine there is.

A place to call home that offers solace is essential.

Every day is a gift.

And last but not least, good food never hurts. Our earth provides such abundance. It’s just up to us to learn how to make the best use of what we harvest.

Looking forward to connecting with my readers going forward. Please respond by sharing some of your thoughts about what you have learned from this past year.

More news on my book, coming soon. Really, it is coming soon this time. I’ve missed spring, but hopefully late summer. I have some fun stories to share regarding the process.

Until then, be well.