February doings

(photo is of Mercedes Fleming at KFOK and me)

As I wiped the sleep from my eyes this first morning of February, I had the feeling I had lost a day. As I moved slowly through the morning, that feeling morphed into feeling more like I had skipped a month. What the heck happened to January? 

Spending the early days of the month winding up the holidays and losing a few weeks with the bleep-bleep rash, it’s definitely time to get moving again with book promotion work, yard work, life work. I’m feeling ready and excited now that my itching has subsided. 

I did work in the yard this week, finally pruning a few of my hydrangeas which had been waiting oh so patiently for me. I’m almost done with the winter pruning, a good thing since spring is lurking just around the corner.

And I did manage to plan a few book events and had my second interview on KFOK, Mercedes Fleming’s Sunday noon show on January 23. This interview was delightful. Given that it was my second interview and briefer than the first, I did not feel nervous for the most part. Actually, I felt like I was visiting with a new friend. I appreciate Mercedes’ willingness to help me promote my book. 

And next guest spot on her show will be Rick. For years Rick and I have joked that he would make a good DJ. He’s got a great baritone voice and knows much about music and musicians, especially our era. I talked about Rick with Mercedes, and she invited him to her show. I’ll keep you posted on that!

And speaking of radio programs, I’m working toward hopefully getting another interview on KVMR, a PBS station out of Nevada City. We listen to their station quite often, a variety of great programs. When Rick and I were in Nevada City a few months back, he made an unexpected left turn. I asked him where we were going. “You’ll see.” A minute later, we were sitting in the rain in front of the KVMR station. 

The station was on my list of places to contact. They were closed to the public due to Covid. I approached the door to read the posted information, and a woman exiting the building took the time standing in the rain to ask me if I needed any help. Coincidence? 

We began chatting, and she took my book to deliver to the box of a broadcaster who had a show that might fit my book. I was able to connect with the DJ this week. She’s going to check out my book, along with my website/social media, talk to her director and get back to me. Fingers crossed. 

I also attended my second writers’ group meeting at my neighbor Debby’s house, which was awesome. Lots to learn there, plus just a fun group of people to connect with. And in two weeks, I have my first book club event with the Eclectic Book Club women, which I can’t wait for.

And more news, thank you, Walter (dating myself), as of February 1, I am doing my own social media work. 

Build & Balance has done a great job of helping me create my platform, set a pace, and teach me what I need to know to continue on my own. So if you see a few hiccups here and there, you’ll understand that it’s me taking over the ropes. Always feel free to send along any suggestions or helpful comments. 

Last week, I started a social media campaign posting the testimonials I have received from readers, which has been great fun. Of course, I’m beginning with my friends, who else? But I will branch out once I’ve honored those fantastic souls who lift me on such a regular basis. If anyone is interested in sending their comments to promote Lessons of a Wayward Yogini, send your feedback to info@sueferrera.com, along with a picture if you are so inclined.

This week sitting quietly at my favorite pond, a twenty-minute walk from our home, studying the wildlife busy with their daily tasks, ideas for a second book began to stream into my consciousness. I’ve been hopeful that I could make my way toward a volume 2 one day. I kept glancing over at the spigot at the far end of the pond, which, when opened, allows the water to make its way to where it needs to go. I felt as if someone or something had turned the equivalent of that spigot inside of me.

The ideas arrived so quickly that I took out my phone to make notes. And that evening, I wrote the first draft of my introduction. If Dennis, my editor, is reading this, he will likely head to the cabinet to find any type of liquor available. 

But not to get ahead of myself, this year is about enjoying the present journey, which is pretty darn special; I just had to share the story about the pond. Another dream down the path, hopefully. 

And Clay, sitting at the pond as these inspirations arrived, I remembered the message you sent me telling me that the second book would come much easier. I loved that you assumed there would be a second book and took comfort from your supportive message. From your thoughts to God’s ears…thank you, friend.

Until next week, wishing you all a great weekend!


  1. You’ve got this my friend. The Golden path lies ahead of you. 💖

    • Thanks, Lynn, you ever so positive!

  2. You have a lot in your brain that needs to be shared! Write on!

    • That’s a funny response, and you know me well. With friends as nurturing as you, I likely will. 🙂

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